What Now

Husband gone, married another

Children reared, no need to mother

Retirement, the long sought rest

No work to do! How I am blessed!

I swim, dine , paint and bowl.

So why this turmoil in my soul?

At last there’s time for having fun.

Doing things I’d never done

So why the turmoil in my breast

The thumping heart in my chest

Sleepless nights, days unending

One day gone ; another pending.

What will tomorrow bring?

The  usual boring routine thing.

That won’t give me happiness

So back to work I go, I guess.

Perhaps China, Japan, Korea.

Hey! That is a great idea.

Leave the old life far behind.

I’m on my way, new course to find.

Hope , excitement , brand new me

My journey’s end I cannot see.

I wrote this poem one year after retirement at

a time when I had to find a new me and

just before going to Korea to teach.  The experience abroad was

worthwhile and gave me a new perspective.  Now I am perfectly

content being with my family and friends.

8 responses »

  1. Love the poem! Multi-talented friend! Can sing, play guitar, cook, knit, crochet, and write! And many more, I’m sure! Keep on writing!

  2. Howard says:

    Judith,girl…terrific talented verse. … Love it!
    Keep on, keeping on.

  3. I don’t remember hearing this poem before but I do remember that time in your life when you went to Korea. And I even got to visit you in Korea while you were there. We had such fun and I loved the sounds of the place. I don’t think I was ever felt such peace as I did there. The sounds of SuWon were very soothing to the soul and the mind. When we weren’t busy doing something, all I had to do was lie down, listen, and I would drift easily into sleep.

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